Journal articles, peer-reviewed

17. Gunnarsson, A., J. Kennedy, A. Magnusson, B. Bardarson, and B. Elvarsson. Effect of formalin fixation on size and weight of Atlantic wolffish (Anarhichas lupus) and spotted wolffish (Anarhichas minor) oocytes. Fish. Res. 258:106515
16. Melnychuk, M.C., H. Kurota, P.M. Mace, M. Pons, C. Minto, G.C. Osio, O.P. Jensen, C.L. de Moor, A.M. Parma, L.R. Little, D. Hively, C.E. Ashbrook, N. Baker, R.O. Amoroso, T.A. Branch, C.M. Anderson, C.S. Szuwalski, J.K. Baum, T.R. McClanahan, Y. Ye, A. Ligas, J. Bensbai, G.G. Thompson, J. DeVore, A. Magnusson, B. Bogstad, E. Wort, J. Rice, and R. Hilborn. Identifying management actions that promote sustainable fisheries. Nature Sustainability 4:440-449.
15. Sharma, R., P. Levontin, T. Kitakado, L. Kell, I. Mosqueira, A. Kimoto, R. Scott, C. Minte-Vera, P. de Bruyn, Y. Ye, J. Kleineberg, J.L. Walton, S. Miller, and A. Magnusson. Operating model design in tuna Regional Fishery Management Organizations: Current practice, issues and implications. Fish and Fish. 21:940-961.
14. Barua, S., A. Magnusson, and N.M. Humayun. Assessment of offshore shrimp stocks of Bangladesh based on commercial shrimp trawl logbook data. Indian J. Fish. 65:1-6.
13. Brooks, M.E., K. Kristensen, K.J. van Benthem, A. Magnusson, C.W. Berg, A. Nielsen, H.J. Skaug, M. Machler, and B.M. Bolker. glmmTMB balances speed and flexibility among packages for zero-inflated generalized linear mixed modeling. R Journal 9(2):378-400.
12. Gudmundsson, K., K. Agustsdottir, N. McGinty, A. Magnusson, H. Gudfinnsson, and G. Marteinsdottir. A regional correction model for satellite surface chlorophyll concentrations, based on measurements from sea water samples collected around Iceland. Methods Oceanogr. 17:83-96.
11. Magnusson, A. and S.T. Jonsson. Fléttuð forritun og kvik skjalagerð [Literate programming and dynamic generation of reports]. Tölvumál [Icelandic Journal of Computing] 39:38-39 (with English abstract).
10. Bolker, B.M., B. Gardner, M. Maunder, C.W. Berg, M. Brooks, L. Comita, E. Crone, S. Cubaynes, T. Davies, P. de Valpine, J. Ford, O. Gimenez, M. Kery, E. Kim, C. Lennert-Cody, A. Magnusson, S. Martell, J. Nash, A. Nielsen, J. Regetz, H. Skaug, and E. Zipkin. Strategies for fitting nonlinear ecological models in R, AD Model Builder, and BUGS. Methods Ecol. Evol. 4:501-512.
9. Derayat, A., A. Magnusson, A. Steinarsson, and B. Bjornsson. Growth and gonadal development in diploid and triploid Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). Fish Physiol. Biochem. 39:1195-1203.
8. Jonsdottir, I.G., A. Magnusson, and U. Skuladottir. Influence of increased cod abundance and temperature on recruitment of northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis). Mar. Biol. 160:1203-1211.
7. Magnusson, A., A.E. Punt, and R. Hilborn. Measuring uncertainty in fisheries stock assessment: the delta method, bootstrap, and MCMC. Fish and Fish. 14:325-342.
6. van der Hammen, T., J.J. Poos, H. van Overzee, H.J.L. Heessen, A. Magnusson, and A.D. Rijnsdorp. Population ecology of turbot and brill: what can we learn from two rare flatfish species? J. Sea Res. 84:96-108.
5. Fournier, D.A., H.J. Skaug, J. Ancheta, J. Ianelli, A. Magnusson, M.N. Maunder, A. Nielsen, and J. Sibert. AD Model Builder: using automatic differentiation for statistical inference of highly parameterized complex nonlinear models. Optim. Methods Softw. 27:233-249 (winner of Charles Broyden Prize).
4. Jakobsdottir, K.B., H. Pardoe, A. Magnusson, H. Bjornsson, C. Pampoulie, D.E. Ruzzante, and G. Marteinsdottir. Historical changes in genotypic frequencies at the Pantophysin locus in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in Icelandic waters: evidence of fisheries-induced selection? Evol. Appl. 4:562-573.
3. Magnusson, A. and R. Hilborn. What makes fisheries data informative? Fish and Fish. 8:337-358 (with erratum).
2. Hilborn, R., T.A. Branch, B. Ernst, A. Magnusson, C.V. Minte-Vera, M.D. Scheuerell, and J.L. Valero. State of the world's fisheries. Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 28:359-399.
1. Magnusson, A. and R. Hilborn. Estuarine influence on survival rates of coho (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) released from hatcheries on the U.S. Pacific coast. Estuaries 26:1094-1103.
