Working with data
- setup, configuration
- data input/output
- data types (number, string, vector, matrix, data frame, list)
- data manipulation (subset, replace, sequence, sort, round, strings)
Calculations and help
- math operators (sqrt, log, exp, sum)
- descriptive statistics (mean, median, range, var, sd)
- linear models (t.test, aov, lm, glm)
- simple plots (plot, barplot, hist, boxplot)
- project management (folders, file types)
- using packages
- help functions, help pages, handbooks
Oracle queries
ROracle and ROracleUI
- sql basics (select, from, where, join)
- from Oracle to R (sql, tables, desc)
- importing date columns (to_char, as.POSIXct)
Hafro database
- overview of tables (afli, fiskar, hydro, kvoti, orri, etc.)
- common table joins in Hafro work
- example queries from Hafro work
Advanced graphics
Plot types
- traditional plots (univariate, 2d, 3d, multivariate, other)
- trellis plots (univariate, 2d, 3d, multivariate)
- Hafro plot packages (geo, gmt, scape, scapeMCMC)
High-quality plots
- image file types (ps, eps, pdf, png, tiff, jpeg)
- graphics devices (screen, postscript, others)
- detail control (multipanel, fonts, colors, parameters)
- okay vs. great plots, books by Cleveland, Tufte, and others
- examples of R code behind journal quality plots
- external tools (ghostscript, imagemagick, xpdf, optipng, pdftk)
The geo package
- simple maps
- annotate maps with points, text, legend, etc.
In depth
- predefined Hafro areas
- map projections, map grid
- depth contour lines
- examples from previous Hafro reports