
Working with data

setup, configuration
data input/output
data types (number, string, vector, matrix, data frame, list)
data manipulation (subset, replace, sequence, sort, round, strings)

Calculations and help

math operators (sqrt, log, exp, sum)
descriptive statistics (mean, median, range, var, sd)
linear models (t.test, aov, lm, glm)
simple plots (plot, barplot, hist, boxplot)
project management (folders, file types)
using packages
help functions, help pages, handbooks

Oracle queries

ROracle and ROracleUI

sql basics (select, from, where, join)
from Oracle to R (sql, tables, desc)
importing date columns (to_char, as.POSIXct)

Hafro database

overview of tables (afli, fiskar, hydro, kvoti, orri, etc.)
common table joins in Hafro work
example queries from Hafro work

Advanced graphics

Plot types

traditional plots (univariate, 2d, 3d, multivariate, other)
trellis plots (univariate, 2d, 3d, multivariate)
Hafro plot packages (geo, gmt, scape, scapeMCMC)

High-quality plots

image file types (ps, eps, pdf, png, tiff, jpeg)
graphics devices (screen, postscript, others)
detail control (multipanel, fonts, colors, parameters)
okay vs. great plots, books by Cleveland, Tufte, and others
examples of R code behind journal quality plots
external tools (ghostscript, imagemagick, xpdf, optipng, pdftk)

The geo package


simple maps
annotate maps with points, text, legend, etc.

In depth

predefined Hafro areas
map projections, map grid
depth contour lines
examples from previous Hafro reports